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What are various drives in Linux and their significance ?

Posted on Friday, April 3, 2015 by Ajit

Hope now all of you have no problem with the installation part which is explained in my earlier part which was part 1 basically, as no much details about how to install Linux (henceforth I will be saying RH).
So here we go...
While installing RH(Red hat) First boot the CD normally (If yopu dont know how to boot then please make a comment below in English I will explain you the simplest method) .

The most Important part of which we are concerned are is the partitioning.
The minimum number of partitions for Linux is 3 (boot,swap,/).
For a beginner it is ok to start with these 3 partitions if you choose an automatic disk partitioning, but, If you had to do that then whats the point of me writing this article....

So lets come to the point,
When the screen comes for creating the partitions in GUI mode do this Important step...


This will take you to the text mode.
Now the first question arises why the text mode, The answer for this will come later
The second question is how to create partitions ?
That we will see now...

Run the following command :

fdisk -l

you will see the partitions on your drive if they exist.

Then do

fdisk /dev/hda

This will let you create new partitions.

Now lets create new partitions in the following way

Name Label Type Minimal Full
---- ----- ---- ------- ----
====> Primary Master HDD hda
|===> Primary Partition hda1 /boot ext3 100 MB 100 MB

|---> Logical Part. #1 hda5 /home ext3 - 500 MB
|---> " #2 hda6 - swap 600 MB 600 MB
|---> " #3 hda7 / ext3 474 MB 500 MB
|---> " #4 hda8 /tmp ext3 - 1000 MB
|---> " #5 hda9 /var ext3 - 1000 MB
`---> " #6 hda10 /usr ext3 - 4850 MB
------- -------
1174 MB 8550 MB

Note: - swap is calculated on 256 MB RAM


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