This is a very simple article regarding how to start with "C" programming. Let me first explain what is "C", It is basically a middle level language developed to make ease of the coding as compared to assembly level language.
Install Turbo C or whatever compiler known to you..........
To start with; Initially I suggest you to just know a simple header file "stdio.h".Now the question is, what is this header file ?. So the answer to this question is, this is a file called as standard input-output i.e is helps to call the pre defined functions like printf() and scanf().
so here is the syntax about how to write it.
the "include" above informs the pre-processor to include the package.
Then, let us start with the main function, always remember that main is the function which gets executed first irrespective of its position in the code.
The syntax for main is
void main()
here the void specifies the return type i.e value returned by the function (not to worry for now, you will understand it later on)
The "{", "}" denotes the brackets in which whole code is written.
lets take an example
void main()
How to run a program ?
1)COMPILE ==> alt+F9
2)Run ==>ctrl+F9
In the above code there are 3 things to be noticed.
1) The printf statement is containing the value to be printed but, it is in quotes.
2)All the statements are ended by a ";"
3)"getch()", This is something which you would be worried about.Basically it a function for a character to be inputted. Now this function is used here just to make the output screen visible, and when you press any key then the sereen will exit.
you can run the program without getch() and see it.
Further part would be explained depending only upon your interest, please comment if any help is required.
Learn C programming
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Hotmail passwords leaked online
According to Neowin, it received information from a source claiming that a "hack or phishing scheme" allowed hackers to post passwords from thousands of Hotmail accounts. Neowin first viewed the passwords on a developer forum on The posting was added to the site on October 1. According to Neowin, it saw "part" of the posted list and "can confirm the accounts are genuine and most appear to be based in Europe." Although it was unsure how many accounts were hacked, the original list displays accounts with names starting with "A" and "B." It included users with,, and domains, the publication claimed. Although Microsoft has yet to confirm the existence of the list or a breach of security, the company told BBC News on Monday that it knows about the claim and is working to determine whether it is accurate. "We're actively investigating the situation and will take appropriate steps as rapidly as possible," the Microsoft representative told BBC News. Microsoft did not immediately respond to CNET's request for comment. Whether the passwords were leaked is still in question. That said, Twitter and other social networks are abuzzwith people advising others to change their passwords.